Wills & Estates
Unfortunately, death is a fact of life, and leaving this world without having given some thought to your affairs can leave your loved ones not only grieving for the loss, but at a loss as they deal with your property. To quote the Boy Scout motto, be prepared. Plan ahead to complete a will so that you have total control over where your stuff goes, instead of leaving it up to probate.
Stevens & Legal offers affordable assistance with your trust and estate needs. For estates under $1 million, we have a simple will that will cover most people. Feel free to inquire about our package deals.
We also can help you with a durable power of attorney, advanced directives (living will), and some trusts for those with smaller estates, such as a revocable living trust. Why overpay for complex estate planning designed to reduce death taxes when your estate is simply not large enough to reach the threshold of the estate tax? Estate planning can be affordable when you choose the right law firm.
If you do need to set up a complex estate plan, we can also assist.
Products (all include notarization where applicable):
Basic Will
Durable Power of Attorney
General Power of Attorney
Advanced Medical Directive
Estate Planning Consultation
Monthly payment plans available on all items over $100; plans start as low as $25 per month, requires $10 service charge and 12% APR applies if any payment is late.